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VRU Orange Hand Image


VRU Orange Hand Image
VRU Orange Hand Image

The R programme is a secondary intervention provided by Evolve Cic that provides support to address issues around exploitation for young people in the Broxtowe and Bell Lane estates.

The programme is mainly aimed at:


  • Vulnerable groups at risk of being exploited in to County Lines

  • Young people at risk of sexual exploitation

  • Young people thought to be already engaged in County Lines to exit and or manage risks


Intervention largely consists of targeted sessions and outreach work with the groups identified, providing relevant activity for the identified audience with qualified support staff on hand to guide and develop the individual support needs of the young person. Depending on their interests there is also scope to involve participants in volunteer activity.


For more information about Evolve Nottingham CiC visit their twitter page at: @evolvenotts


Covid-19 Update:

Evolve are in contact with a number of identified young people and can work virtually with those identified and can be in regular contact. They have also proposed outreach work around the estate to meet those young people not staying at home both to identify their current situation (risks or barriers to being at home) and to reinforce the reasons for Social Distancing and to stay home, plus find a way to include them in their virtual offer.



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