Community projects across Nottinghamshire are celebrating a share of £352k to help rescue vulnerable people from the clutches of crime.
Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping today announced 23 charities and non-profit groups had successfully applied for grants from his Community Safety and Violence Reduction Unit Fund 2021-22.
The projects will enable the PCC to tackle the driving forces behind crime including disadvantage and adversity and protect people from becoming victims of crime.
They also aim to provide people of all ages the support and opportunities they need to live a life free from crime and help the PCC tackle pressing issues including youth violence and knife crime, sexual exploitation, hate crime, fraud, antisocial behaviour and addiction.
Grants of up to £25,000 have been allocated to each organisation for the delivery of projects in 2021-22.
The PCC has made £250k available through his Community Safety Fund with a further £102,098.34 allocated as part of the Nottinghamshire Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) Fund.
To mark the event, the PCC has released a series of videos on social media alongside some of the successful service providers.
“Community organisations play a vital role in protecting our communities and giving people the tools they need to improve their lives,” said Mr Tipping.
“Crime across Nottinghamshire is falling at twice the rate of the national average and I firmly believe community-led support, coupled with robust enforcement, is the reason why we continue to sustain such positive performance.
“We have developed a strong network of community providers who continue to support some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. I’ve no doubt their work has prevented many young people from entering the justice system or turning to violence and have enabled others to draw on their abilities and strengths to turn away from it.
“I’m very grateful for everything they do and am determined to protect and expand on these services as much as possible in the future.”
Among the organisations to receive funding is the highly successful The Inspire and Achieve Foundation which has received £25,000 for the ‘Through the Gate’ programme delivering intensive mentoring to offenders in the community.
Pippa Carter, Director, said: “The Inspire and Achieve Foundation is over the moon to receive a second year of funding for this impactful project. This project enables us to meet people, upon release, at the prison gates, and funds us to work intensively with them to successfully re-integrate them into society, help them with healthy lifestyle choices, and most importantly divert them away from re-offending.
“Over the past year, IAF has connected with 159 offenders at either the prison gates or through its sister project that works within custody suites and has had the capacity to support 42 of these with intensive, life-changing mentoring.
“Of the 42 offenders that were offered intensive mentoring, a staggering 60% progressed into education, employment or training, and 95% have not re-offended during the time we have been working with them. 79% of these offenders are still engaging with our programmes (or have progressed into employment) and making positive progressions in their lives.
“This success shows that with the right support and care package for individuals some of the most challenging issues within our society can be addressed, and that we can make our streets safer. It’s fantastic that Paddy Tipping, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire, and the Violence Reduction Unit are championing this innovative project, and we would welcome further support from the community so we can help more people and change more lives for the better.”
Other recipients of the funding include the charity Al-Hurraya, a peer-led BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee) service working with clients, families and communities in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County, which has received £25,000.
Al-Hurraya’s local knowledge and research within BAMER communities allows it to work with and identify issues such as hidden-harm, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma, domestic violence and abuse, substance misuse, gangs, radicalisation and grooming and provide holistic solutions including counselling and mentoring.
Asad Fazil, Al-Hurraya’s founder and chief executive, said: “We are delighted to receive this funding from the PCC which will allow us to continue our much-needed work for some of the most marginalised at risk communities.
“The funding will enable us to reach more people through our interventions either via digital means, one-to-one support or group sessions and to further improve individual aspirations through harm reduction – which we believe are in alignment with the PCC’s goals and aims.”
Evolve Nottingham CIC received a grant for £15,000 to fund phase two of The R Programme which helps young people build their resilience and develop aspirations and life skills to make the right choices and avoid risk and criminality.
Karen Swan, Evolve’s Chief Executive, said: “We are so pleased to receive this funding. We have been able to make progress with some very vulnerable young people. This has been so important over this difficult time.
“This funding makes such a difference and provides a lifeline and supportive pathways for the young people we work with, thank you so much.”
The full list of recipients is available at:
Video Responses can be found below:
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