Student and Parent Engagement – Stone Soup Academy


The VRP have commissioned a pilot for student and parent engagement at Stone Soup Academy.
As part of this project, a Parent Engagement Coach conduct home visits for all students, giving special support to those with lower attendance and other key risk factors for violence and exploitation. Help is provided to both students and parents, empowering students to reduce their school absence by supporting them to make positive choices, whilst increasing parental capacity to enable a sustainability of approach into the future.

Key outcomes of this project include:
Students sustain positive engagement with education, including improved attendance at Stone Soup
Students have improved mental and physical well being
Students sustain positive behaviour change including decreased participation in antisocial behaviour and crime
Young people maintain improved relationships with family, friends, and fellow students.
Parents feel better supported to encourage their children to engage with education and avoid negative outcomes.
For more information about this project, email us at vrp@notts.police.uk
For more information about Stone Soup Academy visit www.stonesoupacademy.org.uk