Another Way - YEF funded project


The Violence Reduction Partnership supports a partnership approach to reducing violence across both City and County. We know the harm that violence inflicts on teenagers and young adults both from our Strategic Needs Assessment and from what community and practitioners tell us. In many cases, those involved in violence are involved in groups or gangs, although the overlap is complex and sometimes that involvement is a result of exploitation by organised criminals.
Having identified those most at risk, there will be some difference in support depending on age.
For under 18s, their primary contact will be with Targeted Youth Support workers in the EVR Hub (within the Council’s Early Help and Youth Justice Service).
For those aged 18-24, their primary contact will be with Another Way workers within the Slavery & Exploitation Team (within the Council’s Community Protection Directorate).
Not everyone approached will agree to be involved. Where individuals refuse support, the project will continue attempting to involve them, and where appropriate their families, and identify ways to reduce the risk of harm.
Those who do engage will have support to access a range of support including access to employment.
We are also looking to find practical ways to address mental health issues such as trauma including employing a mental health nurse.
Resources are also available for youth work, mentoring and community engagement – still to be allocated.
You can find out more HERE.
For eligibility criteria, CLICK HERE.